Thursday, January 21, 2010

aeterna est tolerantia

I've been working on a series of paintings about Moms in prison…


  1. the color and texture is amazing... beautiful beautiful beautiful

  2. This is rad, what's the story behind it? I like how the folds on the leg on the left feel sort of like chop marks into the flat color.

  3. Yes, Matt– the colors and textures are gorgeous. Is this woman incarcerated? Where did you find her?

    The window is my favorite part; just a suggestion of something out there (whether or not that was intentional, it's great). And the smudge in the lower left-hand corner is unsettling, but that feeling is sort of in keeping with the subject.

    Anyway, don't want to dissect you, dammit. Just wanted to say that it's a lovely painting.

  4. Incarcerated~yes. I used one of my favorite artists as the model for this one~ Mamma Andersson

  5. show stopper. really matt, i can't wait to see all the awards you win for this one!


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